Intrafer-200 B12 100ml


Intrafer-200 B12 100ml Injection

Intrafer-200 B12 is an injectable iron source to treat cases of iron deficiency, deficiency of vitamins that help absorb iron, and acute anemia in cows and horses


Intrafer-200 B12 100ml

Intrafer-200 B12 is an iron dextran is used for prophylactic and treatment of by iron deficiency caused anemia in piglets and calves. Parenteral administration of iron has the advantage that the necessary amount of iron can be administered in one single dosage. Prosteron Black Horse 5ml

Cyanocobalamin is used for prophylactic and treatment of by cyanocobalamin deficiency caused anemia.


Intrafer-200 Composition

Contains per ml:

Iron (as iron dextran) …………………… 200 mg.

Vitamin B12, cyanocobalamin ……… 200 μg.

Excipients ad ………………………………… 1 ml.


Prophylaxis and treatment of anemia in calves and piglets.



Administration to animals with vitamin E deficiency. Tridol 20ml
Administration to animals with diarrhoea.
Administration in combination with tetracyclines, because of the interaction of iron with tetracyclines.


Intrafer-200 B12 SIDE EFFECTS

Muscle tissue is coloured temporarily by this preparation.
Leaking of injection fluid can cause a persistent discoloration of skin.



For intramuscular or subcutaneous administration:

Horses / Camels: Apply 2-4 ml one time only. If necessary apply again after 10 -15 days.



Vial of 100 ml


Weight 275 g
Dimensions 15 × 10 × 10 cm

SU-PER Hoof Powder 12.5 lb