Psychedelic Research Chemicals: What You Need to Know

Research chemicals, also known as designer drugs, synthetics, or RCs, are synthetic or semi-synthetic molecules that are explicitly designed to circumvent drug laws.  They are created to mimic the effects of the “parent drug” or otherwise prohibited substance. Most of these are functional analogs of the banned drug they are made to mimic, meaning they […]

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2F-Viminol powder, 2F-Viminol For sale, 2F-Viminol, buy 2F-Viminol online,


Buy 2F-Viminol online 2F-Viminol is new legal alternative to Viminol. Viminol is an opioid analgesic developed by a team at the drug company Zambon in the 1960s. Viminol is based on the a-pyrryl-2-aminoethanol structure, unlike any other class of opioids. Viminol has both antitussive (cough suppressing) and analgesic (pain reducing) effects. Viminol has additional effects similar to other opioids including sedation […]

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