MV Chinfield is constituted by an association of a respiratory stimulant and an specific corrector of anoxia of cardiac muscle. It acts stimulating directly the respiratory center and the saturation grade of hemoglobin, that is why it acts against fatigue.
MV CHINFIELD increases the volume of inspired air in a progressive form, and its effect endures several hours. It is absolutely innocuous, it has no secondary
reactions, and may be administered every time it is necessary without becoming accustomed.
MV CHINFIELD is always used as a prophylactic of straw, shaving bed, because those and several allergens may produce allergic reactions in sensitive horses. Cami Cortyl
Indications: Cardiac anoxia. Respiratory depression and when volume of inspired air is wanted to be increased. To reduce fatigue produced by great physical effort. To avoid effort hemorrhages.
MV Chinfield plus Fuerte
New product
Destination Species: Sport equines and camels.
Posology: 10 ml. once or more times per day, according to necessity. Slow IV injection
Presentation: Ampoule bottle x 50 ml.
Formula: Sodium succinate 20 gr, UTP 200 mg, 100 ml formulation agents q s