Kentucky Red 60ml


Buy Kentucky Red 60ml Online

When using Kentucky Red 60ml Injection, make sure to use 10ml iv 24 hours prior, 10ml 4-6 hours before training to aid in preventing or reducing the magnitude of epistaxis


Kentucky Red 60ml Injection

Kentucky Red 60ml is thought to stabilize the endothelial cells of the vascular lining, thus helping to prevent epistaxis. Sodium salicylate has been shown to create a “slippery covering” of blood cells thereby reducing resistance of blood flow in the right side of the heart. Hydro Dex 50ml

Kentucky Red 60ml Usage

When using Kentucky Red 60ml , make sure to :-

10ml iv 24 hours prior

10ml 4-6 hours before training to aid in preventing or reducing the magnitude of epistaxis. Pentosan P.S 24ml