An injectable haematinic is the quickest way to improve the quality of a horse’s blood. This treatment is essential when managing iron deficiencies in performance horses, including nutritional and sports related anaemia. HEMO-15® is an injection that provides essential iron, vitamins and amino acids for red blood cell production.
Hemo 15 Equality intramuscular or intravenous solution 1 bottle 100 ml
Pigs, Cattle, Horses
Added to normal solutions for infusional fluid therapies based for example on amino acids, vitamins, electrolytes, dextrose. For the reconstitution in the post-race phases and the essential elements lost due to race stress. Enhancer of energy production.

Administer slowly intravenously or deep intramuscularly. Horse: 1 ml per day for every 45 kg live weight, every 48 hours for 7-10 days (4-5 administrations). Administered 24 hours before the race it can enhance energy efficiency. After the competition it helps in the treatment of essential stress losses. Cattle and pigs: 1 ml per day for every 45 kg of live weight, every 48 hours for 7-10 days (4-5 doses). Adjuvant in the treatment and prevention of debilitating conditions characterized by vitamin-mineral deficiencies and as a support to chemoantibiotic therapy. Poison 15ml injection
Benzyl alcohol 20 mg, ppi water qs to 1 ml. Athletic & Body Care, Horse Care, Medication
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