The bestbroad spectrum benzimidazole anthelmintic for Dogs, for Cats, for Fish and Chickens is Fenbendazole
Fenbendazole is a broad spectrum benzimidazole anthelmintic used against gastrointestinal parasites including: giardia, roundworms, hookworms, whipworms, the tapeworm genus Taenia (but not effective against Dipylidium caninum, a common dog tapeworm), pinworms, aelurostrongylus, paragonimiasis, strongyles, and strongyloides that can be administered to sheep, cattle, horses, fish, dogs, cats, rabbits, and seals.
In this article, we would like to tell you a little about such an affordable and at the same time very effective veterinary remedy as Fenbendezole. To begin with, we would like to say a few words about its pharmacological properties.
Pharmacological (biological) properties and effects of Fenbendazole (Panacur)
Panacur C (fenbendazole)
Fenbendezole is an anthelmintic of the benzimidazole group. Fenbendazole (5-phenyl-thio-2-benzimidazole carbamate) has a wide spectrum of nematodocidal and cestodocidal action, is active against adult forms, larvae and eggs of gastrointestinal and lung nematodes, as well as cestodes that are parasitic in animals.
The mechanism of action of fenbendazole is the destruction of microtubules in the intestinal cells of helminths and disruption of energy processes, which leads to the death of parasites.
When administered orally, fenbendazole is easily absorbed in the intestine and distributed in the organs and tissues of the animal; it is excreted from the body in unchanged form and as metabolites, mainly with bile and partially with urine, in lactating animals also with milk.
In the recommended doses, it is very well tolerated by animals without any side effects.
Indications for use of the drug FENBENDAZOLE
This drug is prescribed to young cattle, sheep, goats, foals, piglets, dogs and cats for therapeutic and preventive purposes.:
— nematodes;
— cestodoses.
Application procedure
Fenbendezole is administered to animals according to the type and dosage of Fenbendazole (powder, tablets, capsules …), in the following doses. Young cattle with moniesiasis – 150 mg per 15 kg of animal weight; with dictyocaulosis, haemonhoses, bunostomiasis, esophagostomiasis, nematodyrosis, ostertagiasis, habertiosis, cooperiosis and strongyloidiasis – 150 mg per 20 kg of animal weight.
Sheep and goats with moniesiosis – 150 mg per 15 kg of animal weight; with dictyocaulosis, hemonchosis, bunostomosis, esophagostomosis, nematodirosis, ostertagiosis, trichostrongyloidosis, habertiosis, cooperiosis, strongyloidosis – 150 mg per 30 kg of animal weight.
Foals with paraskaridosis and strongylatosis – 150 mg per 15 kg of animal weight.
Piglets with ascariasis, esophagostomosis, strongyloidosis, trichocephalosis, metastrongyloidosis – 150 mg per 30 kg of animal weight.
Adult dogs and cats with toxocarosis, toxascaridosis, hookworm, uncinariosis, dipilidiosis, teniidosis – 150 mg per 1.5 kg of animal weight.
Puppies and kittens (aged over 3 weeks) with toxocarosis, toxascaridosis, hookworm, uncinariosis, dipilidiosis and teniidosis 1 time/day for 3 consecutive days in a single dose of 150 mg per 3 kg of animal weight.
Special diets and laxatives are not required before deworming.
Side effect
Side effects and complications when using fenbendazole in accordance with the indications and dosage regimen, as a rule, are not observed.
With increased individual sensitivity of the animal to fenbendazole and the appearance of allergic reactions, the use of the drug is discontinued.
Symptoms of overdose in animals were not detected.
Contraindications to the use of the drug FENBENDAZOLE
— individual hypersensitivity of the animal to fenbendazole.
Do not use the drug:
— emaciated and sick with infectious diseases animals;
— puppies and kittens younger than 3 weeks of age.
Special instructions and personal prevention measures
Slaughter of animals for meat is allowed no earlier than 14 days after deworming. In case of forced slaughter before the deadline, the meat can be used as food for carnivores or for the production of meat and bone meal.
Milk from dairy animals should not be used for food purposes within 3 days after deworming. Milk obtained earlier than the deadline can be used after heat treatment in animal feed.
It is forbidden to smoke drink or eat while working with the medicine. At the end of work, wash your hands with warm water and soap.
If you decide to deworm your animal with Fenbendezole, you can safely recommend the following products, but please note that fenebendazole exists in different forms (powder, tablets, capsules, liquid), first decide in what form it will be more convenient for you to give it. From myself, I would like to make a small note that Fenbendezole in the form of capsules is very convenient to use, except for the smallest animals.
Tags: What is fenbendazole? How does fenbendazole work?